A Holiday in St. Andrews – all a part of a Child’s Education

The mention of education conjures up images of school teachers, sums with children bent over their books for many people but a child’s learning shouldn’t stop the moment they step outside the classroom.
In fact, everyday life offers many opportunities for education, and never more so than during a holiday when everyone is more relaxed.
St. Andrews has a lot to offer and we explore how holidays can be a great help in a child’s overall education, here at St Andrews Coach Houses, we have a range of family friendly activities so be sure to consider us for your next holiday.

Holidays offer a great chance for children to stretch their legs whilst learning about the world around them.

Holidays offer a great chance for children to stretch their legs whilst learning about the world around them.

Learning through play

Research has consistently shown that whilst play might be fun for children, in reality it is actually continuing the build on their education, even though this might not be immediately obvious.
There are many different types of play depending on the age of the child.
Toddlers and young children in particular like functional play, which involves stacking items or filling them with water or sand. This allows motor skills to be developed. Taking this type of play one step further are the youngsters that enjoy constructive play, which could include toy bricks or even simple craft activities.
Art and creative play is very good for children of all age, helping to develop their own personality and express it through what they choose to make. However, the actual art of creating something can help children practice their problem solving, reasoning and decision making skills.
Imaginative play is present in many children of all ages, from youngster’s right through to older children, although it tends to fade as little ones grow up. Imaginative play has the greatest number of benefits, helping children to find a healthy way to process their emotions, as well as play out social scenarios, helping them to practice their social skills. Quite apart from being great for stimulating imagination, creative play helps language develop and prompts children to learn core values.

A different environment

Children learn to process things very quickly but taking them to an unfamiliar environment could help to simulate your youngster’s imagination.
The opportunities to explore are endless and can provide new and exciting ventures for youngsters. Scouring for shells on the beach or dipping in rock pools can be a huge amount of fun and gives parents the chance to chat to children about sea life.

Even younger children will delight in the chance to learn to ride - with the help of a docile pony like this one!

Even younger children will delight in the chance to learn to ride – with the help of a docile pony like this one!

Pick up new skills

Even with the most exuberant PE teacher, swimming lessons at the local pool can never match learning to snorkel or even scuba dive. Special classes taught in shallow waters are suitable for children as young as eight, giving them the chance to see the underwater world up close and from a completely different perspective.
And even if you aren’t in a hot and balmy climate, holidays offer the chance to try new activities such as horse-riding which is great for children of all ages. Or when in St Andrews, why not try a round of golf?
Slightly older children might revel in the chance to try something more active such as climbing or abseiling or other sporting activities. Getting your child active will help strengthen core skills such as balance, co-ordination and overall fitness. It will also help to boost their self-confidence which will have a positive knock-on effect into many other areas, such as social skills.


It’s easy to view holidays as nothing more than leisure time but with the minimum of effort it’s possible to transform even the most mundane of situations into the chance for your child to develop and learn new skills.
Why not book one of our luxury self-catering accommodations for Christmas maybe?  For more information about our coach houses or to enquire about booking one for the weekend, please call us on 01334 477593.

Image Credits: mescon and Justin Beckley.

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